Doctors & Clinics Mesa

Restore Health AZ

4540 East Baseline Road Ste 113
Mesa , AZ 85206
(855) 928-4900


Restore Health AZ is a Mesa, AZ area practice located off Highway 60 and Greenfield Road that specializes in regenerative medicine and health and wellness services. Dr. Neil Morris and Dr. Eugene Muro are naturopathic medical doctors who own the clinic and perform the treatments. Their focus is on natural injury prevention and pain recovery through treatments, such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, stem cell treatments, prolotherapy, perineural therapy, and other restorative injection therapies. The modern practice is also one of the few in the world that offers VSEL therapy, also known as very small embryonic-like stem cell therapy. VSEL therapy can provide a host of anti-aging benefits and treat numerous medical conditions, including but not limited to autoimmune diseases, hair loss, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, and osteoporosis. Restore Health AZ serves men and women from Mesa, Gilbert, and the East Valley of Phoenix, AZ.

Restore Health AZ can be found at 4540 East Baseline Road Ste 113 . The following is offered: Doctors & Clinics - In Mesa there are 524 other Doctors & Clinics. An overview can be found here.


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Map 4540 East Baseline Road Ste 113